The STRAIT Method
The S.T.R.A.I.T Method™
Scar Tissue Release and Integrated Therapies – Created by Marjorie Brook, LMT
The S.T.R.A.I.T Method™ or Scar Tissue Release and Integrated Therapies is an innovative and ground-breaking three-dimensional, fascial-release system that works to minimize scar tissue development and the subsequent physiological restrictions.
Marjorie practices this technique at her private practice on Long Island and teaches this technique to other therapists at her S.T.R.A.I.T Method™ seminars.

Why The S.T.R.A.I.T Method™
When Marjorie first began practicing massage therapy in 1997 she couldn’t help but notice how little people understood the emotional and physiological ramifications of even the smallest kink, adhesion, or scar within their bodies – whether we’re talking a minor scar incurred during childhood, or a more serious scar resulting from major surgery as an adult.
The S.T.R.A.I.T Method™ combines fascial-scar work – working with your damaged restricted connective tissues – with mind-body interactions, body mechanics, therapeutic stretching and strengthening, and proprioceptive support. Each of these, when combined, create a balanced treatment session that can be modified to the needs of each individual.
The techniques behind the S.T.R.A.I.T Method™ have been adopted by a multitude of healthcare professionals – from doctors and physical therapists, to chiropractors and message therapists.
“Our bodies are intrinsically linked to our thoughts, feelings and actions. When we are stressed, anxious or upset, our bodies communicate back to us that something isn’t right – for example, we may feel increased tension in our shoulders. In extreme circumstances, such as after the loss of a loved one, high blood pressure or a stomach ulcer may result. This is why it’s crucial for therapists to know their patients inside and out in order to understand what’s needed for long-lasting healing.”

Benefits of The S.T.R.A.I.T Method™
Scar tissue treatment is a critical component of eliminating pain and optimizing physical performance. The manual techniques of the S.T.R.A.I.T Method™ release the fascia by separating and realigning the adhered tissues of the scar. This technique not only improves the function of the muscles and other tissues around the scar but can also result in a dramatic improvement in the appearance of the scar itself.
The truth of the matter is scars, and the restrictions they cause can affect every system of the body. Recognizing this is the key to unlocking mysterious pain and other issues that have been interfering with the body’s ability to function and balance. This is where the S.T.R.A.I.T Method™ can help – by undoing the pain caused by scar tissue.
While you may not have much control over how your body will scar, you do have options when it comes to breaking up scar tissue and adhesions. You can play a role in healing your scar with scar tissue massage and the S.T.R.A.I.T Method™.
S.T.R.A.I.T Method™ Patient Testimonials
How It Changed My Life
What Marjorie’s Clients Have Been Saying
I had started seeing Marjorie for scar work and too help relieve shoulder pain that has resulted in limited mobility. After having surgery on my abdomen from cancer the scare that was left bhind was always bright red and such an eye sore for me personally. It always looked like it was never healing. After the first few appointments I started to immediately see results on my scar. It started to lose its redness and take on my normal skin color! As for my shoulder no doctor ever tells you that the buildup of scar tissue can affect the rest of your body. All the scar tissue from my abdomen was pulling on my shoulder. I was told from other doctors that I could have partial tears inside of my should from wear and tear and this was afftecting my personal life such as the gym and sports. Marjorie started using different techniques such as stretches and scar work which greatly helped. I honestly didn’t think there would be any other hope for my shoulder beside surgery. I am back to every day activities as if nothing ever happened. I would highly recommend Marjorie to anybody that I knew or I just met for the first time to help with any pain or scar tissue!
I found Marjorie after doing a search for a solution to my scars and pain. She is a miracle worker. After just one session my scars have flattened significantly and the color has improved. She has helped with my back pain and sleeping problems. She is also very personable, caring and easy to talk to. I highly recommend her to anyone that has scars, surgery, or any kind of pain.
I am so happy to have found Marjorie! Between the Scar Tissue Release and Integrated Stretching, I feel so much better. After a car accident and multiple surgeries, my body is a little beat up. For me, the results have been immediate and we keep building on them. My scar is less visible, less numb, and much softer. I really needed the stretching, and it has made my mobility more fluid. I learned which body parts were compensating for others and how to remedy the issue. I love being treated in the outside terrace being surrounded by the sounds of nature. Thank you, Marjorie!
My experience with Marjorie Brook as both a massage therapist & a caring individual has been life changing. I had surgery for a malignant melanoma 38 years ago leaving me with a massive scar which restricted blood flow & range of motion to my foot& ankle. Her expertise as a massage therapist has changed the physiology of my foot & ankle.
Marjorie worked in abdominal scars for 90 minutes. Her work was far ranging and very comfortable. No pain! Afterwards I was able to stand straighter, walk with more ease, and got some of the best sleep I'd had in weeks. I plan to come back to see her (I live in DC and she's worth the trip!) several times a year for more of this kind of work. Marjorie really knows her stuff!
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Hours of Operation
Monday: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Thursday: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Friday: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM